Frontend Development Frontend Development Course Content Lecture 1. Frontend | Basics of HTML Lecture 2. Frontend | Introduction to CSS Lecture 3. Frontend | Intro to JavaScript Lecture 4. Frontend | JS: Functions & DOM Manipulation Lecture 5. Frontend | JS: Event Handling & Forms Lecture 6. Frontend | Semantic HTML & Positioned Elements Lecture 7. Frontend | Responsive UI & Flexbox Lecture 8. Frontend | CSS Grid & Shadows Lecture 9. Frontend |CSS – Grid Areas, JS Execution Context and Scope Chain Lecture 10. Frontend | Part 1: Object creation, this object, closures, prototypal inheritance Lecture 11. Frontend | Part 2- Object creation, this object, closures, prototypal inheritance Lecture 12. Frontend | Prototype & Modern JS Lecture 13. Frontend | Promises, Fetch API, Async & Await, Try catch and Currency converter Lecture 14. Frontend | Weather App Lecture 15. Frontend | Weather App Continued Lecture 16. Frontend | Event loop & Browser Storage Lecture 17. Frontend | Intro to NPM & SASS Lecture 18. Frontend | ES6 Modules, Frontend Tooling – Webpack & Vite Lecture 19. Frontend | Spotify Clone Part -1 Lecture 20. Frontend | Spotify Clone Part – 2 1 of 3