Apache Spark Current Status Not Enrolled Price Free Get Started Login to Enroll Apache Spark Course Content Lecture 1. Databricks: Spark Architecture & Internal Working Mechanism Lecture 2. Databricks | PySpark: RDD, Dataframe and Dataset Lecture 3. Databricks | PySpark: Transformation and Action Lecture 4. On-Heap vs Off-Heap| Databricks | Spark | Interview Question | Performance Tuning Lecture 5. Databricks | Pyspark: Cluster Deployment Lecture 6. Databricks | Pyspark| Spark Reader: Read CSV File Lecture 7. Databricks | Pyspark: Filter Condition Lecture 8. Databricks | Pyspark: Add, Rename and Drop Columns Lecture 9. Databricks | PySpark Join Types Lecture 10. Databricks | Pyspark: Utility Commands – DBUtils Lecture 11. Databricks | Pyspark: Explode Function Lecture 12. Databricks | Pyspark: Case Function (When.Otherwise ) Lecture 13. Databricks | Pyspark: Union & UnionAll Lecture 14. Databricks | Pyspark: Pivot & Unpivot Lecture 15. Databricks| Spark | Pyspark | Read Json| Flatten Json Lecture 16. Databricks | Spark | Pyspark | Bad Records Handling | Permissive;DropMalformed;FailFast Lecture 17. Databricks & Pyspark: Azure Data Lake Storage Integration with Databricks Lecture 18. Databricks & Pyspark: Ingest Data from Azure SQL Database Lecture 19. Databricks & Pyspark: Real Time ETL Pipeline Azure SQL to ADLS Lecture 20. Databricks & Pyspark: Azure Key Vault Integration 1 of 6