Apache Hive Current Status Not Enrolled Price Free Get Started Login to Enroll Apache Hive Course Content Lecture 1. Hive Tutorial for Beginners | Create and Load data in Hive table Lecture 2. Hive Aggregation Functions | Hive Aggregation Functions in detail | Lecture 3. Hive LIMIT clause | Hive CREATE TABLE AS Query | RENAME TABLE in Hive Lecture 4. Hive | ORDER BY Query Lecture 5. Hive JOIN Queries | Hive Inner Join Query Lecture 6. Hive Outer Join | LEFT | RIGHT | FULL Outer Join queries Lecture 7. Advance Datatypes in Hive | Hive ARRAY | Hive MAP | Hive STRUCT Lecture 8. Hive Partitioned table | Create a partition table in HIVE Lecture 9. Alter table in Hive | Change column position in Hive Table Lecture 10. Change Hive table column name | ALTER table in hive Lecture 11. Hive | Difference between Sort By & Order By | Sort By VS Order By Lecture 12. Hive Bucketing | Bucketing in Hive | Create a bucketed table in hive Lecture 13. Introduction to Hive Analytical Functions Lecture 14. Hive Analytical Function | ROW_NUMBER() Lecture 15 Hive Analytical Function | RANK() | DENSE_RANK() Lecture 16. Hive Functions | Unix Timestamp Functions | Hive Timestamp Functions Lecture 17. Display Column names in Hive data | How to set hive.cli.print.header valu Lecture 18. How to execute Hive queries from file | Write and Execute Hive Queries Lecture 19. How to run HDFS Commands in Hive CLI || Execute HDFS commands from hive Lecture 20. How to store Hive Query output in file? | Export Hive Output to File 1 of 2